
The Nova Scotia College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists was established by the Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Act, SNS 2015, c. 3. The Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Regulations, N.S. Reg. 120/2019, set out the requirements and rules for the College and its operations.

The College is required to serve and protect the public interest in the practice of the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology, to preserve the integrity of the professions and to maintain public confidence in the ability of the professions to regulate themselves.

The College regulates the practices of audiology and speech-language pathology and governs its members through the registration, licensing, professional conduct processes set out in the Act and regulations and through the establishment and promotion of a code of ethics for its members.

The College is required to investigate alleged instances of professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming to the profession, incompetence or incapacity and, when appropriate, dispose of the matter in accordance with the processes outlined in the regulations. Alleged instances of professional misconduct may be brought to the attention of the College by a client or member of the public who files a complaint or by a licensed member of the College. The College may also begin an investigation on its own initiative. 

Click here to find out more about the process to file a complaint.

The Act defines professional misconduct in s. 2(zg) as follows:

"professional misconduct” such conduct or acts relevant to a profession that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, may include

  1. failing to maintain the standards of practice,
  2. failing to uphold any codes of ethics adopted by the College,
  3. abusing a person verbally, physically, emotionally or sexually,
  4. misappropriating personal property, drugs or other property belonging to a client or a member's employer,
  5. wrongfully abandoning a client,
  6. neglecting to provide care to a client,
  7. failing to exercise appropriate discretion in respect of the disclosure of confidential information,
  8. falsifying records,
  9. inappropriately using professional status for personal gain,
  10. promoting for personal gain any drug, device, treatment, procedure, product or service that is unnecessary, ineffective or unsafe,
  11. publishing, or causing to be published, any advertisement that is false, fraudulent, deceptive or misleading,
  12. engaging or assisting in fraud, misrepresentation, deception or concealment of a material fact when applying for or securing registration or a licence or taking any examination provided for in this Act, including using fraudulently procured credentials, and
  13. taking or using a protected title or describing the person's activities as a profession in any advertisement or publication, including business cards, websites or signage, unless the referenced activity falls within the definition of the relevant profession.